Sunday, January 10, 2010

1 week

Wow.. It's been a week..

I felt like, everything is destined. I always know I'm right about this.

Things turned out to be pretty much in order, or more precisely, the way I hoped it would be(benefit of doubt here), and IMHO the best resolution.

Hmm... By all means, as long as I'm happy with it, it's enough rite?

No point forcing though. I know how to think, don't I?

Haha.. Anyway, everytime after a dinner or a gathering, I tend to feel kinda sad. Yes, I do enjoy myself, I felt happy, but in the end, what's left is... myself

Yea, this should be how school-leavers feel.. I guess, I'm normal :)

~ In a way, I tried, and things turned out to be just fine... 珍惜 ~


Kendrick said...

Bolehkah saya cium awak sekarang? xD


Awak sudah sedut darah saya. Bolehlah....